Call Trish +61 (0) 0448 614 648

At First Glance: 5 Key Style Elements to Make or Break Your WOW Factor



Choosing colour can often be a complex issue and one which has a profound psychological effect on the mood or theme for your business or home.

What the mind thinks, the body feels and your environment reflects, and also does in reverse.

Restyle Your Intimate Spaces

Rather than having only two or three colours to design a room with, we help you to not only select wall colour, but floor coverings, paintings, furniture and decorator pieces to fill your home, client service and office areas. No longer will you have to pull your hair out to decide if you are looking at the right colour choice for the mood, theming and ambience you are trying to create.

Set the mood and interior styling for your home, salon or business that conveys the message of your purpose.

Just by introducing some inexpensive and innovative changes will give your home a face lift just by making some changes in line with your personal essence, personality, intention and lifestyle. 

What would bring your space to life and totally change the energy?  

Colour Confidence

If you are wanting a change of energy in your life, it might be time for a colour refresh.

I’ll show you how to find your colours as an extension of your personality and intention, how to use colour or make changes by elemental colours, shapes, textures, life forms, placements and intentions, you are able to create an environment that is balanced, harmonious and irresistible. 

To make sure you are on the right track, why not book in for a colour consultation with Trish.  Share your ideas and the purpose of the space.

Consultations are on-line/virtual or in-house.

How would you surround yourself only with things you love which love you back?

Get in Touch with Trish to ask your question, or complete the Form below.